Date Published 12/07/2022
Guidance on Children’s data protection rights
The Irish Data Protection Commission (the “DPC”) has produced guidance aimed to assist children in learning about data protection. Protection of children’s personal data is a priority for the DPC and one of the five strategic goals outlined in its 2022-2027 Regulatory Strategy published at the end of 2021
The three new guides produced are primarily aimed at children aged 13 and over, as this is the age at which children can begin giving consent to data transfers under the GDPR, including for many forms of social media.
In addition to these three guides aimed at children: “Data protection – what’s it all about?”, “My data protection rights” and “Top tips for keeping your data safe online”, the DPC also recently published its related guidance for organisations. The guide ‘Fundamentals’ guidance on children’s data protection rights, is designed to help organisations to comply with the additional protections required when processing children’s data.